$40k Broad Physical Comedy!
14 June 2023
I like broad comedy, but more than that I like talent (no matter the genre). Not sure what I'm more impressed with-that they did a movie for 40K (according to budget on IMDb) or that it was a broad slapstick comedy, a rom-com, and a coming-of-age all wrapped up in one.

I didn't like the main character at first until I realized what a bubble came out of (and how ridiculous he actually was) and how he slowly developed into an actual real human being after interacting with someone other than a weird-looking E. T. doll. Overall, I legit belly-laughed at least 5 times. I don't like to drop spoilers so I won't list the moments. Plus everyone's taste is different.

You start off with this "kid" who has probably never even put his own ketchup on his burger and go from there to "adulthood" in the most absurd, ridiculous manner, all while being guided by a saint (a great actress that I've never seen in anything else).

What drove me to this movie was the lead actor Will Klipstine from another film. His acting in this movie is completely opposite. Good range.

This is a movie that no one will ever see. But should! For 40K it deserves a 100 out of 10. Highly recommend if you like absurd comedy and/or broad physical comedy and/or juvenile romance.
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