Stranger Danger!
15 June 2023
Teenagers From Outer Space/The Gargon Terror (1959) -

"You're A Fool Derek"

This was not a well made film. I've seen plenty of the B-Movie style films of late and many of them have been enjoyable, mostly the ones that had a bit of money spent on them. This wasn't one of those at all.

I couldn't tell if the cast were deliberately acting in that odd way to add to their strange alien behaviour, but I thought that they were probably just awful, because quite frankly the "Humans" (I use the quotations because it was questionable) were terrible too.

And are we sure that Dawn Bender as Betty wasn't actually an alien? She had the emotional range of a tea spoon and I had to wonder if Susan Sarandon had based her character of Janet in 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' (1975) on this hammy display with her overly dramatic girly ways.

David Love as Derek (A really unusual name from outer space) probably delivered the best out of them all, but Bryan Grant playing the role of Thor, was absolute ham.

Everything about it was all so far fetched and incredibly hard to believe, which shouldn't really be the way, even for alien invasion films. The idea being that it stirs such a dread in you and that it makes you "Watch The Skies!", but this was quite clearly cobbled together with a basic cast and the use of someone's house and a quarry, like some sort of YouTube fan fiction I might stumble across in the 21st century, but without the benefit of the decent camera available on a smartphone.

The shame of it was that the general story wasn't that bad. It really did have a potential to show how "Alien" we might be to intergalactic visitors and in a fun or even seriously done way. It was just the terrible performances and production choices that dragged it down.

I have absolutely no plans to schedule in another viewing of this film and will do my utmost to ensure nobody else has to endure it in the future via word of mouth. I'm not saying that all existing copies of it should be burned though, because it could be used as an example of what not to do for budding filmmakers.

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