Black Mirror: Joan Is Awful (2023)
Season 6, Episode 1
I'm frankly shocked Netflix allowed this to air
15 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I mean the is episode is just a scathing attack on the corporate monster that is Netflix. I mean the fact that I believe this Is something Netflix would do to produce content says it all. And I really loved the bits where They just rip into "Streamberrys" at Joan's house. It's also a good reminder that we agree to all kinds of things without realising it by agreeing to terms and services. I thought the multiverse twist was great a even Joan 1 explanation that nothing she does will change anything because source Joan had already done it was very introspective. In the infinite multiverses nothing is real because their actions are just a copy of what their original self did. I mean this episodes in my opinion is absolutely horrifying conceptually as it implies that in these multiverses there is absolutely no free will so all of these people are essentially slaves to the computer. And also that a company would show your deepest fears to you to get you to completely lose track of reason and do more stupid things. I mean this is what the news has been doing for decades but it's just less personal so I could completely believe it. Great episodes.
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