Different story but poor screenplay
18 June 2023
This is the first movie for Kalidas and Megha Aakash but released late. Also Balaji Tharaneetharan tried to do a similar screenplay as NKPK but failed drastically.

Megha Aakash gets pregnant still being a virgin. The parents are not shocked of this asexual reproduction. Only thing they want to know is she is a virgin or not. Once doctor confirms she is a virgin everyone are relieved. They are not happy because she is the first case of parthenogenesis. They are happy because she is a virgin. I don't understand which century we are living in.

Both kalidas and megha did an amateur acting. Balaji's directing skills have deteriorated. In one important reveal scene, the presentation is going on and no one talks behind the presentation. Everyone are just watching the screen, the camera focuses the ppt and people and again ppt and people. Not even a serial director does this kind of direction. The news getting viral is just showed in 2 scenes it not viral in movie itself how will it be viral to us?

You have time to kill and can waste 2 hours then watch this. Keep looking only at Megha Aakash. She is a doll.
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