ER: Hell and High Water (1995)
Season 2, Episode 7
Incredible and tense!
18 June 2023
Now we got something more than your average ER episode, much like "Loves labor lost" from season one.. amd what a thrilling experience!

This episode starts off like your average episode, but suddenly evolves into a nailbitting experience with amazing character moments and big emotions! This is the strengt od this show! Putting you right in the moment, making you feel whatever the characters are feeling, whether its the adrenaline, frustration, sadness etc.

This episode has George Clooney as Doug Ross in his A-game! Amazing performance that brings out the best of character: His stubbornness and will to save someone, especially children! The episode also Pays off great with his development in the past episodes!

This is ER at its FINNEST!
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