Last episode of swordsmith village
19 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yup I'm rating a 10 and no I don't work for DS in any way and I'm not a first time reviewer trying to help tip the scale. This episode really was perfection. The animation of demon slayer is just so vibrant which really makes it set apart from other animes for me. And it's the eyes. The eyes of the demons are incredible. When i think about Japanese animation and how it's so different from other animation in the world, the eyes are what comes to mind. And yet somehow demon slayer is able to even make their own style different not amongst animation itself only but amongst Japanese anime. Which I think is pretty incredible. But anyways back to the episode.... Spoiler....

Okay so I definitely cried a like a baby immediately when the song started to play while nezuko is burning. Maaaaan that song. And this is all while I've already read the manga so even tho I knew what was happening, the scene was just so perfect... it still put me thru the emotional ride of nezuko possibly burning to death so that tanjiro can go save the villagers. And yeah it was just soooo sad. And I loved her cute little voice after...OHAYO!!!! Lololol of course that would be the perfect first words for her to speak! Ahhhhhh yeah it was just perfect. I'm not really used to short fight scenes cuz I watch OP (fight scenes takes months and never end lol) so it's interesting to watch DS and see resolved fights happen and still be satisfying at the same time. I loved it. I'm so glad the last episode was longer than normal too; that was a plus. The worst part now is waiting lol but yeah it was a perfect arc I would say...and since I've read the manga I can promise you, it only gets better from here!!
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