Not worth visiting this ranch
19 June 2023
Love Christmas with all my heart. Love the fun and nostalgia it brings, and cherish all the time spent with family and friends every year. Decided in 2019 to see some newly released (at that time) Christmas films to broaden my Christmas film horizons (namely those from Hallmark and Lifetime), this turned into a quest that is still ongoing. Feelings have been extremely mixed doing this and even when trying to take them for what they're meant to be some have been lacking (though there have been some surprisingly good ones too).

'Christmas Ranch' really isn't one of the better viewings. If anything, closer to being one of the worst. Or at least of my recent Christmas film viewings. It is not a complete shambles and has redeeming merits (a few though), but those are vastly outweighed by everything that is done wrong. Which is sadly a lot and these are not minor things and also the important things to get right. The premise is quite a cute and sincere one, but is executed badly, really badly.

Am going to begin with mentioning the good things. The scenery is beautiful and is well photographed.

Do agree about the horse being the star of the film, beautifully trained, expressive, adorable and easy to root for. Did like Ken Arnold though as well, he played his role with a good deal of charm and had some nice energy.

That is pretty much it. Taylor Lyons comes over as really irritating, too whiny and bratty while also coming over as overwrought. Found her character really unsympathetic, rather selfish and treats people badly when she doesn't get her way. Stefanie Smith goes through the motions and speaks too slowly. The chemistry between the actors isn't there and neither is the direction, which is particularly sluggish in the first half.

Of the characters, only Arnold's and the horse's had a degree of likeability, but Lyons' completely lack of likeability unbalances the film badly. The dialogue is awkward and goes overboard on the schmaltz, even for a film that one expects to be on the sappy side. Other than Lyons' character, the worst aspects are the story and the pacing. The story is pretty much non-existent for about 45 minutes and even when any signs of plot kicks in it still manages to be thin with no surprises. Everything with the money is beyond ridiculous as well, as was the too pat ending. The pacing is very sluggish throughout, especially in the first half.

In summary, very poorly done. 3/10.
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