Gideon C.I.D. (1964–1966)
A great procedural series.
19 June 2023
No criminal is safe from the sharp, analytical mind of Commander George Gideon and his quick witted colleague Chief Inspector David Keen.

Twenty ix high quality episodes, this show was well ahead of its time, way ahead of many of the comparative Police procedurals popular at the time.

Expect real variety, you'll see Gideon deal with armed robbers, kidnap, turf war killings and even a murderous housekeeper. The variety is quite something, and as a series I'd suggest it develops as it progresses, some of the later episodes are terrific.

You also get a glimpse into Gideon's family life, and there's always a chuckle or two.

Expect mods and rockers, prevailing attitudes and opinions of the time, and of course specific crimes of the age.

It is so consistently good, my favourite episodes include Morna, Boy with gun and The Housekeeper, there are no poor episodes, but there is one wonderfully bizarre one titled 'how to retire without really working, it's more like an Ealing comedy.

So well acted, John Gregson shines throughout, watch out for the likes of John Hurt, Megs Jenkins, Jean Marsh and Anthony Bate.

What a shame it ran for just one, but fortunately very long series, happily it's complete and available on dvd.

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