Review of The Star

The Star (2002)
Better than Other Goofy Russian Propaganda Flicks
20 June 2023
It was difficult to know in the beginning if this was a comedy or a drama because of the goofy dialogue, then it looked like it was going to be a romance. Then I remembered that all Soviet and Russian war films have silly dialogue and a female love interest.

The military aspects of the film are pretty ridiculous too. The unit is not only harassing the enemy, but acting as a reconnaissance unit also and reporting on the enemy. At one point they radio in that "there's lots of 21 owl 2" ( using the predetermined code for infantry, which isn't even necessary), but don't estimate the amount of infantry or give its location. In another scene they report in with a radio that has no transmitter antenna.

One reviewer, who cried at the end of this movie, and who clearly cannot make the distinction between movies and reality, said it's better than the completely fictional "Saving Private Ryan" because in the completely fictional "Saving Private Ryan", some of the soldiers question their orders.

The photography was very good, but of course they use the Hollywood tropes like blood erupting from a person's mouth to signal their death.

I didn't care much for it generally, but it's better than many Russian and Soviet war films.
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