Pleasant nonsense
20 June 2023
A Hollywood spoof grittier than some of its contemporaries, this RKO B has screenwriter Lee Tracy high-tailing it to Hollywood and.getting mixed up with recent ex-con Paul Guilfoyle and his sassy girlfriend Lee Patrick, who use their innate knowledge of how crime pays to help him spruce up his bank robbery screenplay. Meantime, Tracy is pursuing an awkward romance with Joan Woodbury, who poses as a leading lady but in reality can't even get extra work, and the real crook their screen character is based on is in hot pursuit. A little silly, but well-paced (it zips along at just over an hour), and with some welcome support: Richard Lane as a bonkers studio head, a just-starting-out Jack Carson as a director who never makes it to "cut." Nothing special, but lively, and Tracy, not talking as fast or being as amoral as usual, is a decent leading man.
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