Minder: A Nice Little Wine (1980)
Season 2, Episode 7
A Nice Little Episode
23 June 2023
Arthur pays cash for several cases of wine from an associate, who asks him whether he can set him up with a night on the town. Call girl shows up at the hotel, she slips him a mickey, rips him off of his cash....and the guy blames Arthur. And then threatens to sic some muscle on him if he doesn't get the cash back.

Enter Terry McCann.

This episode has all the elements that make Minder such a treat. Arthur's desperate cons. Terry doing some detective work and throwing some punches. Plus a ton of funny dialogue.

And...Det. Sgt. Chisholm. Patrick Malahide is the unsung hero of Minder, as far as I'm concerned.

Easily the best episode of Series 2 thus far. And second overall only to The Bengal Tiger (aka Mr. Mukajee) episode of Series 1.
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