Great concept and cast, but that is all.
24 June 2023
I was really looking forward to this! The concept is great with amazing cast. However, the execution is awful! You can truly see when they make a "real" joke because the cast laughs candidly and it's fun and relaxed. Most jokes are however, forced. The editing is incredibly jarring, there's too much happening and jumping between events. First, I can see that the decorations are done, next, they have jumped back before they're done with that and they're cooking. They should've made the editing more logical according to time. Should've also been honest that they are finished with the concept ahead of time and just slowly introduced it in the beginning instead of making it seem as they're on a time crunch. "this is what we have planned and will now make a reality". Incredibly difficult to follow along, TOO many jarring cuts with too many things happening!! I can see through the awful editing that this could've been great, the cooking could've been so FUN but all we got was the messy jump-cuts. We can't get to know the teams at all with the constant jumping around, so there's no real reason for us to cheer for any of the teams. I would have really liked a second season of this with a more calmer and logical editing.
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