Up The Garden Path
24 June 2023
With this excellent series being shown daily on Sky Arts here in the U. K. it can get a bit boring and samey. Then, along comes an episode which restores your faith in the directors and actors involved. This is such an episode. Director Norman Lloyd employs some of The Master's teasing tricks, particularly in the casting. John Fiedler is recognisable as the ineffectual juror with the cough drops from Twelve Angry Men. Richard Jaeckel looks unpredictable and psychotic like his character in 3.10 To Yuma. Here the actors fit into that type of role. Fiedler the mild-mannered salesman languishing indignantly in a police cell for jaywalking and an unwise bribery attempt. Jaeckel looking mad enough to have committed the murder for which he has been arrested. A switch in fortunes in which the murder suspect escapes leaves Fiedler facing a hick lynch mob; and that is where the episode could have ended. However, he is saved by the timely intervention of the cop who arrested him and in compensation, his charges are cancelled. Again this could have closed the episode but, we see Fiedler departing in his car the following morning. You know this epilogue will result in something. I thought the murderer would be hiding in his car. I was wrong! (cue evil laughter). Hee, hee, hee....
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