Friends: The One with the Ick Factor (1995)
Season 1, Episode 22
The second of the two worst episodes of Friends
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Get ready for the worst episode of Friends. It's so bad and unfunny that it will leave that 'ick' taste (even the writers knew this was bad..) in your mouth for a very long time.

It's a Monica episode - a character the writers were clearly very unsure about even this far into the 1st season - and even worse than the previous Monica episode, which happens to be the episode before this one. So, we get a double bill of terrible Monica episodes to deal with.. yikes.

In this episode Monica dates a much younger character (that in true US tv style is played by an actor who's clearly at least 7 or 8 years older than his character is supposed to be) who is completely devoid of personality and charm. He even comes of as pretty obnoxious in most of his scenes and lines. There's no chemistry with Monica at all. They are not, in the slightest, convincing as a match.

The characters - with zero chemistry - proceed to jump into bed after a really icky 'romantic' scene. In the bedroom, he reveals that he tricked her into sleeping with an underage guy. The only thing he cares about is that he 'just had sex' which he says with a creepy grin. Monica, understandably, is mortified. The next scene is an utterly ridiculous, cringe scene in the coffee house where they're calmly talking (after his unforgivable deception and entrapment) about the fact that he thinks he's falling in love with her. Monica even entertains a fantasy situation where she might feel the same way if he wasn't underage despite that fact he tricks girls into having sex for his own selfish needs. It is a wholly abysmal episode that's not only terribly written and acted, but in extremely poor taste for a show of this nature. Poor Monica.. the writers must have had a strange course for her before steering her back to the Monica we all love, thankfully. It's all up from here but you'll have that awful memory of the 'ick' episode. One to skip for sure.
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