It's nothing like Frankenstein at all. There's almost zero connection. Its literallya zombie flick.
27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's nothing like Frankenstein at all. There's almost zero connection. Its literallya zombie flick. The only Frankenstein connection was electricity (but not lightning) and at one point the zombie says they called him monster (but no one actually did....)

It's starts having a small girl (Chris's sister) drag a large man's dead body away... somehow the town knows Chris is dead... even though there is no body...

They never show the girl stealing more bodies but it's eluded to twice.. even though Chris was shot once in the head, she needed multiple bodies...and sowed on weird hands..

In a weird scene where they try to make the teacher an evil person. The teacher says the girls name wrong... and that's really it. The girl keeps inturpting class to claim she can cure death. And won't stop talking about it. The teacher called the resource officer since the girl refuses to leave class. The officer arrest her... her dad shows up to yell at the teacher and threaten her.. saying she shouldn't call the cops on his daughter and needs to teach... even though the teacher was trying too and kept getting interrupted by the girl. And why did dad tell the teacher to never lay another hand on his daughter... that was the officer , not the teacher...

The girl proceeded to make nonsense electronics to bring her brother back to life. It's just wires and metal with no explanation. She has a bunch of bikes welded together so i guess she welds too. They missed the first chance to make a Frankenstein connection. She could have used lightning....

Next this girl steals a large amount of drugs from the local gang bangers... they know who she is and yet she runs away and goes home... why didn't they just go to her house?... The drug dealers give her a black eye and then just empty threats.. They're supposed to be killers but let this girl walk all over them... okay

Later Chris, whom this girl made and brought back to life, appears at her window and she's scared and won't stop screaming... which is weird because she made him and knows what he looks like...

Frankenstein's monster was a misunderstood good guy... Chris is just evil...

And Chris's baby momma has 2 other kids. She somehow deeply cares about this kids education and makes sure she knows not to go with strangers etc... but the girl says she wants to hang out with Chris. And the mom says sure and then says she has no idea who Chris is... must be a new tenant...

Another way it's not her like Frankenstein is , Chris is not friends with his creator and is with the other little girl that wasn't involved in making him at all.

Near the end one of the gangbangers risk his life to help the girl kill chris... why? Why would he do that? It made no sense.

When Chris is killed his dying words were that people called him a monster. And the girl that made him says they made him a monster by calling him one.. but no one ran around calling him monster.. so that was weird.

Then at the end the girls bring back to life several recently dead family members... just using electricity. So she cured death... just by shocking... after seeing a paramedic shock someone... that's just lazy writing.

Overall, it was just a terrible movie. It has nothing to do with Frank. And has so many plot holes that is just hard to stay invested..
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