30 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am sad to write this. Because as a Brazilian I love the diversity that Brazil is risking. We don't have a lot of sci-fi movies implementing futurism. So my expectation with the mixture of social debate and futurism was high, I was excited and very excited. However, I took a blow to the stomach with the grueling execution of this film. A very poor construction, plot holes that are fixed with coincidences and details that are left out. The narrative starts to go too fast after a few acts and there is no time for any connection between us viewers and the characters on screen. A very large vacuum of space in the narrative Who prefers to speed up to meet the time prescribed in the script. I am extremely upset with what they did to the resistance, a group of lost people who in the end serve no one Purpose or strength, they just want to hide. LázaroRamos I love you very much, you are a very talented filmmaker and actor, but a bad choice of approach.
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