1 July 2023
Wow, what an emotional roller-coaster. This film really pulled at my heart -strings. There were so many scenes that sucked me so into the story, I felt like I was right beside the characters, in their world of despair balanced with a mixture of hope. These feelings we all experience at some point in our lives and are relatable to the modern audience.

Seeing the urban landscape of Mt Druitt was really captivating - not often seen in Australian cinema. I felt privileged to be a part of such a unique experience at the Premiere last week.

Numerous outstanding performances - the lead character Tez carries the film so effortlessly and shows the ups and downs of a person dealing with loss, hopelessness and love. Suporting character Kyle takes a different approach in the film and lends his story to self loathing rather than forgiveness.

Other outstanding performances were from the actor who played Gaz, who is a force to be reckoned with alongside Adil who plays the menacing drug-lord. The flash-back scene in the church with young Tez and his mum nearly had me balling like a baby. Emotional stuff.

There were some comic relief moments in the film between the boss Adil and his henchman Kresna, that not only myself really enjoyed, but the whole cinema at times were cracking up with laughter.

This film is up there with the best in Australian cinema and offers a myriad of themes. Director and Writer Ronnie S. Riskalla presented us with a cult classic that I would be happy to watch a million times over. His exceptional casting, direction and storytelling has really left a mark on my soul and I'm sure will affect those who watch his film in the future.
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