An epic period drama, 1927 style
1 July 2023
"This medal, sent by the Bishop himself, will protect you against temptations of the flesh."

Haha, that sure lasted a long time. This is an epic period drama, 1927 style, (very loosely) based on the 18th century novel Manon Lescaut, and stars John Barrymore and Dolores Costello. It's got about everything you might want in such a film - romance, costumes, swashbuckling, and general adventure. It's 111 minutes long which can sometimes be painful in a silent film given the era's slower pace, but this one moved along pretty well and had many entertaining scenes.

Early on, the pure-hearted characters (the young people who fall for each other at first sight, Barrymore and Costello) seem to be contrasted with people wise to the ways of the world (a scheming brother, lecherous Comte, and even a winking maid, Marcelle Corday). However, these "pure" characters enjoy a blissful carnal relationship despite not being married, something that wouldn't have been possible under the Production Code seven years later. Barrymore's character is also good at cheating at cards, kills a man, and leads an insurrection. Between these things and his tender moments with Costello, like the one where he steams up the screen by slowly leaning down to kiss her, we get an interesting, three-dimensional person. Costello's character is not really afforded that same luxury, existing mostly to be lusted over by a string of powerful men, including the Comte, the King, and even the captain of convict ship. Barrymore fends off the men trying to assail her as they come, channeling Douglas Fairbanks at times. The pair's chemistry is undeniable, and they would marry in real life a year later (hey, these are Drew Barrymore's grandparents we're watching here).

What made the film for me were the scenes with unsavory characters, like when Barrymore enters the subterranean den of iniquity (and then orders a glass of milk for the cat). While the court of Louis XV and the gambling salon filled with powdered wigs and polite society appear very different, the leers and knowing glances in those places were nice parallels to the earlier scene. We also get saucy prostitutes being rounded up with for deportation to that far-away colony called Louisiana, and a cage full of prisoners who Barrymore incites like a deranged monkey. There is a darkness to its ending too, at least for those aboard the ship, where we see women being thrown over the shoulders of a fearsome bunch of marauding criminals (apparently Myrna Loy was one of those aboard!). Overall, it's a tad melodramatic but the energy at the end and the fun I had along the way had me rounding my review score up.
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