Review of Samurai

Hawaii Five-O: Samurai (1968)
Season 1, Episode 4
"Beautiful snooker... remind me never to bet against you!"
1 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, some people really do not like this episode! They can't stop themselves from pointing out every little thing that they think is wrong with it - from the (glorious!) miscasting of the great Ricardo Montalban, to the fact that "The Bushido" as a group is something that doesn't exist, to McGarrett not bothering to tell anyone that the 'faceless' man wasn't Tokura, to the high body count (in a cop show...!), and on and on.

Here's the deal: McGarrett is the toughest damn cop you'll ever find. He is clever, relentless, and if someone has done something wrong, he's the last person they will want on their tail, because he is going to bust them and bust them hard.

He instantly knew the dead body was a dupe, so he set out to prove it and bring Tokura (Montalban) down in spectacular and decisive fashion, and he accomplished that in spades. To see what I mean, watch the last five minutes, wherein Steveo shows how if you f around with him, you find out. A more "beautiful game of snooker" you will not find.

I couldn't be happier to have this fictional show about a fictional state police unit headed up by the legendary Jack Lord going up against a fictional villain who is so evil that he kills the star witness in his trial (not only before she could testify against him, but right there on the stand in the courtroom in front of everyone) and who is simultaneously dealing with assassins from a fictional cult/order named "The Bushido" that could kill him at any moment.

I'm not here to watch a samurai documentary, or to complain about TV violence or a Japanese character not being portrayed by a Japanese actor in a show made in 1968. I'm here to watch "Stoney Burke" Jack Lord kick ass and take names. And that's exactly what this episode delivers. If you're looking for something else, you've come to the wrong show, 10 out of 10.

Oh, and a random observation: given how much coffee McGarrett drinks on this show, I'm surprised he didn't already have a 22-cup coffee urn in his office. I'm guessing the show was sponsored by a coffee company at the time?
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