A Day (2017)
2 July 2023
This movie, done something to me, it ruined me, it took me to a place few movies do and showed me once again, how Eastern Movies are often so much better than anything Hollywood has to offer.

The premise may be a bit hard to swallow, but it is handled bloody brilliantly, with the filmmakers setting the tone beautifully midway between reality and fantasy.

The plot starts off with a man reliving a day where his Daughter is killed, but as the story unfolds, the writer's slowly leak in more plot twists that separate this from many other less-decent films of the same genre.

Everything is just amazing, from the actors, to the make-up and the way the characters are all well rounded and unique.

I cannot recommend this more for fans of thought-provoking movies.

I give very few movies 10/10, but this deserves it. I will remember for life and i doubt see another i liked as much for a very long time.
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