Beware, this is NOT a Mel Gibson movie, because he has only got a really TINY supporting role.
2 July 2023
Forget about the poster, thinking that this might be another great Mel Gibson dirty cop movie. NOT. Mel Gibson is only starring in this movie for a few lousy minutes, that's all.

The bad: the rest of this movie is filled with C-listed actors, who usually only star in television series and the sorts. This is a new low for Mel Gibson. Why did he have to choose such an inferior movie to star in? Is he running on lower ground? I hope not.

More bad: this movie has NOTHING going for it. It's terribly amateurish. Incredibly cheap looking. But most important of all, there is ZERO thrill or suspense.

Let's forget this was ever made and I hope Mel Gibson gets offered some better roles next time...
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