Bad execution and bad story development.
2 July 2023
I believe the money was spent on a one-liner pitch of the film. As such it seems to have the potential. This is where principles like 40/70 rule apply. Only commit to a film if you go through and like 70 % of the whole film structure. The direction is lackluster, more time was required in character development, it is very clear that there was a confusion in plot development and writing. Before COVID, senseless violence was an interim thing in Malayalam films, and I hoped unnecessary films without much of a plot like that ended there. However, the best thing that could be said is that this at best a b-grade slasher movie. If they introduced a werewolf or some similar Indian folklore legend like a group of werebears (jambavans-caretakers of the forest)/werepigs as the ones that are unleashing all the violence in the film, audience wouldn't have minded. Then, the film would have been a better classic slasher movie with a possible shot of suspense filled end-frame. However, then too they have to work on how the story should bloom on the screen.
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