Wow...you REALLY need to suspend your sense of disbelief to enjoy this one.
3 July 2023
"Josh and S. A. M." is one of the stranger movies I've ever seen...and it's also one you can enjoy only if you're able to suspend your sense of disbelief.... I mean REALLY suspend it!

Josh and Sam are two screwed up brothers who have adjusted very poorly to their parents' divorce. Josh is a bit of a sociopath...and often lies and manipulates. Sam is young and athletic...and stupider than a tomato.

One day, Josh hatches a strange idea. He's going to convince Sam that he's a robot who was created to one day become a super-soldier. To do this, Josh uses a computer and skills that were VERY difficult to use in 1993 when home computers were only just coming into vogue. He shows Sam a flier that tells him all this...and it only gets weirder.

Soon after this, Josh's lies result in him getting into a fight with a stranger and Josh and Sam thinks Josh killed the man. So, they both set off on an insane adventure...Josh to avoid going to prison for murder (which he didn't commit) and Sam because he believes his only chance for a normal life is to run to sanctuary in Canada.

Now....does any of this make sense? No...well, there's a lot more weirdness to the story than I've already told you. I think kids could enjoy the film more than a man in his 50s (like me)...but although the film had its moments, I just kept thinking that this never, ever, ever could have happened in real life. And, the IMDB trivia point about the movie seems very doubtful....and doesn't even approach the weirdness of the script. Genuinely strange and hard to rate...but is is oddly engaging.
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