Mister Creep (2022)
Decent Creepypasta Style Horror
3 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I went into Mister Creep with the expectation that it would be, much like most low budget horror films of late, a load of garbage.

So I'm quite pleased to say it surprised me. Yes it has its faults, but it's a perfectly competent film that largely ties up its loose ends and doesn't outstay its welcome at just over an hour.

The acting is decent save for a few screamy, shouty, out of breath found footage staples, and the concept is interesting enough to keep most people engaged for the full run time.

The main negative is that it's yet another found footage adventure, which writers/directors/producers seem to think means that it's free reign to put in a load of shuddery, dark, unintelligible, nonsense shots where the viewers are just expected to stare vacantly until the camera eventually focuses and reveals more of the plot.

The other issue is that for the majority of the film it seems to be set in reality, with the fear coming from a covered up serial killer that could easily exist in the real world... until a crazy old woman randomly manages to survive being stabbed in the chest with no ill effects what so ever. In fact she seems quite pleased about it.

There's also some other nonsense about the killer being immortal despite having been bumped off 20 years prior, but I just put that down to the cover up that is intimated toward rather than anything supernatural.

The hardest part to believe is that said killer had a clown mask fused to his face when he was a child, and yet apparently went on to live a relatively normal life until turning to mass murder in adulthood.

All in all better than expected, but hardly a classic by any means. It feels a lot like it was expanded out from a Creepypasta or something like that.
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