Good factual content detail0, but production value hokey AF
6 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Gotta admit...when they started the intro with terrible cgi, fake photos mixed in with real ones, and over the top dramatic music I almost turned it off in the first 5 minutes. But I slogged it out and there were some useful bits to extract.

1. Dr. Nolan gets caught in a lie that he had never examined classified exotic materials when he had.

2. Robert Bigalow walking back that he ever saw or had classified exotic materials that he literally built a facility to study.

3. FOIA release on materials research related to UAP.

4. Chris Mellon had to get specific about his level of access to SAPs during his time in office to state that he was not privy to ALL SAPs, but rather some in intelligence and some within the military but NOT within the Department of Energy.

Would have liked to have heard info about:

Zodiac Jehovah Fort Detrick.
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