The Buccaneers: The Ladies (1956)
Season 1, Episode 9
The Ladies
8 July 2023
A ship is arriving in New Providence and it will be mainly full of women.

Soe new blood for the island and the men are ever so excited to have female company.

Only a turncoat leaks a word to Blackbeard and he is not averse to female company as well. They will fetch a good price as sex slaves.

When Captain Dan Tempest gets wind of this he decides to set a trap. He comes on board on Captain Hawkins ship and sends the women away to safety. His men then put on the women's clothes and talked in high pitched voices. When Blackbeard's crew attack it will be a case of quelle surprise.

All of the ladies do go apart from Captain Hawkins stubborn daughter Christine. She obviously fancies her chances of being raped by Blackbeard's crew!

Once again Tempest is a gentleman coming to the rescue of Christine from the dastardly Blackbeard.
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