this unexpected season finale has everything
8 July 2023
This episode was never intended as SVU's Season 21 finale, but after the pandemic closed down production in the Spring of 2020, this episode (which aired end of April of that year) was the last stuff they had shot and had to suffice as the season-ender

In hindsight "The Things We have Lose" is a topnotch finale, better than other finales in which writers and producers contort the basics in order to do something 'big'

Here they were just doing a normal, great episode and it's fantastic

Every cast member has a storyline, all of which revolve around tying up loose ends around past high-profile case.

This episode also has Jenna Stern as Barth (love her; she's not used enough), Stephen Wallem, reliably terrific as Nurse Rudy, and Vince Curatola returning as Judge Bertuccio

SVU budgets have been chopped so deeply in the last coupla years, they seem to be relying less and less on 'known' supporting actors. The show is always better when they do. Wish they could find a way to have these folks on all the time.

Can't leave out amazing Bea Cordelia returning as Lakira. Not sure if it's pc to mention that she's a trans actor, but this storyline was so well done, and feels as though it was greatly enhanced by this authentic casting

Expertly written and directed with at least 5 or 6 major storylines all precisely woven together.

Definitely a stand-out episode of the 2.0 era.
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