This way comes?
11 July 2023
There were some really awesome aspects to this film. You look up atmospheric in the dictionary and this film is the first thing you see. It wastes no time creating a spooky, tense air that proceeds throughout the entirety of the film. The jump scares got just a tad irksome from someone who hates them but only because I wanted to watch intently without them. However, I didn't totally mind them because the movie did not rely on them to be scary or anxiety inducing, it managed that it many other ways. The acting was also pretty stellar from everyone involved which made the whole thing that much more relatable, amping up the scary nature of the film.

I wished there was a bit more to the storyline when all was said and done. I was entertained and engaged throughout, but I don't feel like all THAT much happened. I also wasn't super crazy about the ending, felt lack luster and a bit of a cop out. Despite these two things I really enjoyed this movie and it was without a doubt creepy. Ending almost knocked it down but I give this a 6.5 rounding up to a 7. Would recommend.

IG - howlingatthemoonreviews.
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