The Bone Garden (II) (2016)
There's a reason for the stars:
11 July 2023
Reading the critic reviews, I read this movie was:

1). Crowdfunded And 2). Filmed in under a month

And, ok, when you watch a movie rated 3.2 out of 10, you get what you expect - a movie you watch to see just how bad it can really be.

It had an interesting plot, with several potential candidates for the "whodunnit" guesses.

While other reviewers wanted the main character killed off as she was boring & the nymphomaniac friend to take the lead, we found nympho outlandishly annoying & hoped she was next.

The script? One character says to the other, "Later, gator." Enough said. Actually, not enough said, but there are simply no words to describe the awfulness of it.

The ending made no sense a all. I mean, it DID, and it was obviously supposed to be a twist ending. However, there was another twist in there which they seemed to just forget about once they had filmed it.

Now, if they had taken the twist they forgot about and worked it INTO the last twist, THAT would have been a REAL twist ending and a real showstopper!

But no. Out of all of those people either no one thought of it or no one listened to the people who did.

So it was a mediocre ending to a really dire movie.

BUT!!!!! We are all used to movies with billion dollar budgets which take years to make.

Crowdfunding and ONE month.

For that, I think it was a great movie - an achievement for indie movies. Not many could manage that.
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