A Country Splintered
12 July 2023
The First Casualty of War is the Truth

"The Truth" Something we associate with childhood, innocence, naivety, honesty, bliss, wonder, trust.

Childhood is under threat worldwide, the stress of a Toxic Capitalism and over population has left our children traumatised and vulnerable.

Homo Sapiens are a destructive species, but their is a moment in their development that is truly wonderful, childhood.

This documentary illustrates how we have truly lost our way, Capitalism fuels the war in Ukraine

Trillions of Dollars in supplied weapons and promises of joining NATO under certain conditions

Children want loving parents and a nice meal and warm bed, but the Patriarchy insists on it's dick measuring contest.

The whole World of Children is at war , and Truth is not the first casualty, it's always the Children.
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