Cabin Girl (2023)
Out of the van, into the cabin
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ava Robbins (Rose Lane Sanfilippo) is a social media influencer who has moved from #vanlife to #cabinlife as she settles in a small town. An accident has left her unable to drive for several months, so she's putting up roots, getting to know the cute local mechanic Kellen (Austin Scott) and oh yeah, getting obsessed and eventually haunted by Hannah Granger, the witch who has become an urban legend in the region where she's trying to make her home.

The entire time that Ava is trying to make a new life, she's haunted by a man in another van who keeps stalking her, getting closer by the second. She's also investigating the haunted Granger family, even going as far as to go to an asylum and try to meet with Elijah Granger (Brian James Fitzpatrick), who has survived shooting off most of his face and brain with a shotgun.

Ava gradually -- well, until one part -- becomes an unstable narrator. That part would be after she finally hooks up with Kellen and the movie looks at its run time and says, "Let's just hurry this up" and Ava makes a character leap into insanity. I blame the Ouija board, as I always do. Just leave those things in the box.

Closer to an f-giallo than a horror movie, Cabin Girl finally comes together in the end but it's the kind of closure that I can see some members of its audience not being all that happy with.

This was directed by Jon D. Wagner and written by Leslie Beaumont and Rory James Wood. It's certainly looks better than many streaming movies, has an interesting twist and man, there's a disquieting moment of gore near the ending that made my hand hurt.
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