A Martian tombed civilization where the time stood still!!
12 July 2023
Somehow I pleased to had watch it on 1983, hereinafter never got a chance to see it again, yesterday I have found it at Youtube with original audio and subtitled in English either, the image is quite acceptable at least, starting watch it I've been wondering when the main star John Carradine will appears, just in last part sadly in quickly appearance displaying his face only, what a waste indeed, whilst it was a smart conceptive idea developed by David L. Hewitt, even with scarce money it became a fine offer of sci-fiction and horror genres.

A Rocket with five earthlings landing at circle polar on Mars, they had a lowest supply of oxygen for four days only, thus they sailing in a boat in a poisoned lake (Death Valley alike) passing through a longest natural cave (Lehman cave at Nevada) end up in a volcano underneath, get out of there into a desert area toward a crumbling empty city of an ancient Mars civilization, coming in inside the city strangely such place has oxygen, they found the Martians tombed on crystal tubes, when appears a holographic image the Wizard of Mars (David Carradine) explained how high advance civilization made the time stood still due they break the universe's laws.

Tie up by lack of money the producers have to improvise a lousy Rocket-Spaceship where had an odd and inconceivable device to look at space thru a periscope alike, whoever had designed it was drunk or nutty quite sure, a wooden set where a easily noticed for the audience, laughable special effects and so for, oh my God, at least the plot is well-crafted.

Thanks for reading.


First watch: 1983 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-Youtube / Rating: 5.
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