Least Favorite
12 July 2023
"aren't many laughs" "haven't felt what I used to" "actors don't play the same characters" " feels tired" "so depressed" "bad timing"

So like, yeah, this is my favorite show and this is probably my least favorite episode next to Mac Finds His Pride. I just don't agree with the political leanings and it just makes it so much harder to watch.

Looking at the reviews, the average person won't mind. I just keep thinking about how I am going to be able to add this to my playlist. I'm not going to go into nick pick details but every time I try to watch it, I can't. I started skipping through the first time I watched it and I had to remind myself that this is my favorite show and that is not allowed.

Really, I don't understand the high ratings for this one. Even if you did agree with ever political point, it didn't feel that classic Sunny to me. I could look past the things I don't agree with but it just wasn't funny, abnormally poorly acted but worse is just how forced it feels. We did this already in Big Mo! It was the fake out end. Why are we doing this again and worse? That's so basic.

As negative as this review seems, I'm so happy to still have the show and the ability to look forward to new episodes. It honestly seems like they are trying enough and I'm pretty content with this season. This episode just didn't resonate with me at all. It's pretty unwatchable tier for me right now. I'm really hoping it grows on me like Ladies Reboot and not like Finds His Pride or Cricks Tales. Oh and to all the die hard Sunny fans out there.....Put your hands up.
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