This is not what really happened...
14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are quite some things that don't make sense.

First of all, "Aktion T4" targetted handicapped people - mainly children - with a hereditary physical or mental disability. It is cases like "Down Syndrome", missing parts of the brain (i.e. Microencephaly), brain fluid disorders (hydroencephaly)... A case whereby a child misses part of his arm doesn't fit this category. If that would be the case, how then would they have to deal with soldiers that lost an arm or leg in the war effort?!

Further, they would not send an armoured vehicle for a house visit. And this armoured vehicle is from the Wehrmacht, whilst it is SS people driving it. That doesn't really make sense either: the vehicle should have license plates starting with SS instead of WH (Wehrmacht).

The struggle at the end wouldn't make sense either. If the SS would be there to pick up the kid, he wouldn't kill the kid. He would arrest the kid...

And I doubt that an officer with the rank of "Hauptsturmführer" - around the level of a captain - would be sent including several troopers. This for a basic task of arresting a child. And the ones running would be the troopers, not the captain.

So many things are incorrect in my opinion. The evil and inhumane euthanasia program of the germans should have been portrayed in another way: this where we would have seen the real evil character of the program.

Overall, I therefore can not get further than a score of 5.1 for this short. This because of the misrepresentation of many facts. The good acting and cinematography should have been used in a way more realistic fashion.
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