They killed her!!?
14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great movie. However, it lost a star from me for making the audience believe Ilsa is dead. They've spent two films building up Ilsa as being Ethan's equal, and hinted at an eventual romance. She's been able to fight off multiple men bare-handed yet she meets her demise by one guy when she has a sword? Then they brush past her death like it means nothing, only for her to be replaced by a new woman. I thought it was a huge disservice to the character.

I know Rebecca Ferguson is very busy so she might have asked to leave, but I'm hoping this isn't the end for my favorite character in these films. She deserves a happy ending, or at least a better death than the one she received in this movie. It really took me out of the rest of the film. Hopefully, we'll see her again in Part Two.
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