Not Scary, Hard to Like, Very Disappointing
14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For clarity, I liked the first Bird Box movie. Yes, it didn't give you closure. You never found out what the 'creatures' were. But, it had enough in it that gave a sense of tension and intrigue to draw you in and keep you with it. Bird Box '1' wasn't amazing, but it was ok.

So, on to Bird Box Barcelona...

Set wise, really good. Scores well on costume, FX, locations. But pretty much that's it.

On the downside, the lead character is very unlikeable by nature of his choices in the first 2/3rds of the movie. As a result you can empathise with him or feel anything for him other than hoping he dies soon.

The movie potters on and provides slightly more reveals demonstrating a link between whatever the creatures are, and some humans that see them. It also reveals more about why some people appear crazy and intent on harming others and getting them to see the creatures and die.

However, it doesn't explain what the creatures are, where they're from, or how they're doing any of this - which is ok, it's not essential. But, what is essential is a lead that we can relate to, that we feel aligned with on his journey, and that person doesn't really emerge until the very end of the movie. By then you're past caring. The rest of the movie doesn't make of for the lack of a lead and a story you can relate to. Thus by the end I stayed with it just to cross the finish line but no because I cared at all about the characters.

Basically, it's the story that lets this film down. They execute it well, the acting is pretty good from everyone. But, because you can't care for the lead and find him dislikable, it kind of kills the movie journey.
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