Bloody Black Psycho-Comedy
15 July 2023
CAPTURE KILL RELEASE is a found footage movie that has a premise reminiscent of that of movies going back all the way to ROPE (1948) by Alfred Hitchock, itself inspired by the real-life Leopold and Loeb murder of 1924, where two young men, in order to prove their superior intellect, attempted to carry out the "perfect murder". They were, however, later caught and sent to prison.

In this movie, the motivational aspect for carrying out the perfect murder by a couple is not spelled out, but it is clearly still implied, since not getting caught is prerequisite to being able to continue.

The movie can be read as a pitch-black commentary on the lengths to which some are willing to go to please their partner in a romantic relationship. Jennifer Fraser is fantastic as the beautiful, sexy, crazy and deadly instigator of the couple's "project" of killing a random stranger and documenting it, and Farhang Ghajar delivers a naturalistic performance as her reluctant husband who genuinely loves his wife but underestimates what he is getting himself into for her.

The beginning of the movie records their meticulous preparations, including ascertaining that they really have all the necessary tools at their disposal and even consulting a medical textbook in order to learn how to properly dispose of the corpse. Once the deed is done, the film pulls no punches on how their preparations are put into practice in some scenes that are not for weak stomachs.

Once the husband understands the horrific implications of what they have done, he wants to stop, but his psycho wife is just getting started.

Despite the black humor, the movie retains a high degree of realism throughout. This is one of few movies where the serial killer is a woman. One other found footage black comedy featuring a female serial killer, but from the angle of social commentary on the role of women artists in society, is I BLAME SOCIETY (2020).

Overall, this is a well-produced, amusing yet disturbing found footage horror thriller.
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