What True Love Really Is
16 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Kaguya-sama: Love Is War became one of my all time favorite anime's, despite it being in a genre I'm not familiar with and had no aspirations of being invested in. But the comedy, the characters, and the dynamics made me fall in love with this show and the slow progression of Kaguya and Miyuki finally having their moment at the end of season 3. But this arc/movie threw a curveball and left me speechless.

The inner conflicts that were portrayed from Kaguya were so fascinating yet depressing to watch. Her being in denial from her kiss with the president to going back into her stone cold demeanor. The 3rd act really dove deep into her emotions as we saw the cold version of herself get emotional and try to step back because she thought people never liked that version of herself. Defining herself as an antagonistic figure because of who she was taught to be growing up even though she was able to grow out of that version of herself. But Shirogane admitted he always saw through it and knew she simply didn't want to hurt anyone. He accepted that version of Kaguya because he knew she had no malicious intentions deep down. The moment she jumped in that lake to help that girl he never looked back and wanted to chase after her, and because he looked up to her in those ways he decided to start the run and be recognized by rising the ranks academically.

In the final act they're both able to free themselves of their insecurities and talk about their problems and how they feel, Miyuki letting go of the present that he was insecure about even though Kaguya appreciates simplicity and normalcy. Being ordinary and authentic is what she wants and aspires to be. Growing up in a rich and wealthy environment made her take appreciation in smaller things and come to the revelation that those things can become her whole world. And that's one thing I love about this movie, the characters still feel they have room to grow instead of saying they've become that person already. They're not rushing and being afraid of the process and are ready to evolve into who they want to be in life. The line of the entire movie to me was Kaguya saying, "I want to become someone who can love herself." Next to Thorfinn from Vinland Saga, the character development from her is some of the best I've seen in anime, and this arc portrayed her newly found self perfectly. "This is... the super-deformed version of a young girls wavering heart."

In closing, the final moments of this movie were beautiful. The scene with Kaguya and Miyuki as the sun was setting was stunning and a brilliant way to close this chapter, which begins a whole new chapter for them. The final narration perfectly encapsulates the entire series, and I'll leave this review on that note.

"But it is a blessing to be able to love someone so much that it turns your brain into mush. You should try it once. And it's only natural to want to be in a relationship with the one you love. Freaking out that you might get dumped... Playing little games... You'll come up with all kinds of plans and hold out for the perfect timing... But your heart will be pounding and nothing will make sense anymore."

"When it starts looking like the day will end before you can say those words.... You might find yourself blurting it out. You fall in love, confess and become a couple. Anyone would agree that's a wonderful thing. But that notion is wrong. Love is only blissful until it's attained. After your feelings reach certain heights, it's all downhill from there. That is what true love really is. Beyond love, there are no victors or losers. There's no telling if that person is your soul mate or not. There might not even be eternal love."

"But... true love just might exist. One just needs to have a sharp mind. To seek true love, you must think. This is no easy task. Even so, it is only those who continue to use their minds... who can be the first in the world to attain true love."
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