Tatort: Tote Taube in der Beethovenstraße (1972)
Season 1, Episode 25
It grew on me.
20 July 2023
My initial feelings about this Sam Fuller movie was cool but slow, static and overlong. The main thing I found cool was hearing Can doing new interpretations of their songs (with flutes!). Glenn Corbett also looks a little too much like Franco Nero did back when this was made too.

After getting used to how it all looks and the pacing (methodical to the extreme, I like it alot.)

The story is about the murder of an American detective who was trying to obtain photo negatives of a prominent US senator which feature him in a compromising position with a woman. The murdered man's partner in the firm picks up where he left off and is now also investigating his murder.

There's some plot twists and turns and some very grizzly implied violence toward the end. Implied of course since this was made for TV. Glenn Corbett and Christa Lang are excellent in the lead roles. They seem to share top billing given the screen time they both have.

I enjoy this more than most of Fuller's later films. It is much better than Man Eater or Shark! His ill fated 1969 movie intended to be Burt Reynolds' big breakout role.

Also, I never get tired of hearing Can's work on the musical score. They were at their most mesmerizing during the early 70s at their musical peak.
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