Hall Monitor/Jellyfish Jam
23 July 2023
I know that "Jellyfish Jam" is really loved by fans for its music and I do love this music myself, but sadly the episode is a bit... boring? I mean, nothing really happens for most of the story. Instead it has some visually and sonically remarkable parts. It's cool to watch on YouTube separately, but in the episode itself it feels like a way to fill the 11 minute episode with content. But the episode is still fine, Bob and Squid's interaction is hilarious as always and the story has some... moral.

"Hall Monitor" isn't my favourite episode as well. It has many funny gags, I really loved how cops laughed at Patrick, I love how Bob and Patrick bought some ice cream twice in a row and etc. Basically, it's Patrick who carries the episode (surprisingly), but SpongeBob is a bit annoying. Also that's the first time Mrs Puff goes to jail and I think this was really exploited by future seasons too much. For me the episode itself feels a bit too forced, but it really atones for it with some awesome gags. It truly is classics.
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