Painfully dated and not very funny anymore.
24 July 2023
This is a film that I now find painful to watch. I used to love this film but after watching today it really has dated so badly.

The padding is so obvious. Mel Brookes parts always weren't good. His ego couldn't allow him not to be in his films. Unfortunately his talents were off screen rather than on.

The parts Richard Pryor wrote are obvious and still funny.

There's a schism between the Pryor parts and Brookes. They've always been there but even more obvious today.

It's not the vocabulary that makes the film dated, it's just about everything.

Yes there are some very funny parts. But they makes less than 20% of the film.

It was always a weakness to only have Gene in the film for less than an hour. He carries the film when he's on screen. When he isn't then it's interminable.

I feel such a traitor by saying these things. Sadly this is a film that just isn't that funny anymore.
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