Chicago P.D.: Conventions (2014)
Season 1, Episode 6
When SVU Det Fin Tutuila & Amanda Rollins come to Chicago Pad
24 July 2023
You gotta love Det Fin style. Did you notice at the bar scene he ordered a shot of McAllen. Bottles are up to $1500 a bottle. Love the love he has for Gucci and shout out to Moncler. I also looked up what SVU Detectives can make a year It's up to $75-$80 based on Tenure No it was awesome to see SVU on Chicago PD. I just started watching this and love every minute of it. Love Sgt Voight style compares to SVU. He gets his hands dirty. 1st season he has a young group of sharp intel ogf officers. They are loyal and to credit Sgt Voight he gives them enough reins to take an eye out of a perp if need be.

I just finished SVU all 24 seasons and excited for a new chapter.
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