Hotline Miami (2012 Video Game)
A good game with some big issues
25 July 2023
Hotline Miami is ver good. The sprites all look great, the music and atmosphere are great, and the story is really trippy and weird (in a good way). Combat, however, is a double edged sword. Sometimes it's really dynamic and fun, but from my experience, the lock on system is completely broken. In something like Zelda Ocarina of Time, pressing and holding the lock on button will lock on to an enemy, and letting go and holding it again will syphon through different enemies on screen. This works great and I never had any problems with it in that game. In Hotline Miami, pressing the lock on button will result in you locking on to an enemy. When you press the lock on button again, lock on will turn off. To syphon through enemies, you need to use the right control stick, which is incredibly imprecise and often locks on to the wrong enemy. Whenever I killed an enemy that I was locked on to, the game wouldn't auto lock on to the nearest enemy, instead it would auto lock to any random enemy, even offscreen ones. If you kill an enemy that you were locked on to and another starts running toward you, the game will either not lock on to anything or not lock on to the enemy that is running directly at you. I died a lot because of the clunky lock on in this game and it was very frustrating. The game is still very good and is worth playing, but the lock on is so bad.
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