A sordid little outing about an ex-nazi and a tortured woman well played by Dick Bogarde and Charlotte Rampling
25 July 2023
A sleazy sado-masochistic story dealing with a peculiar relationship between an ex- Nazi officer , Max (Dick Bogarde), and a woman , Lucia (Charlotte Rampling) , he used to abuse sexually in concentration camp . Years later, after the war , in 1957 , Max the ex-nazi camp officer , unexpectedly meets his former lover-victim at the Viennese hotel where he works as the night porter . An extraordinary surprise takes place when they have a chance encounter at a hotel where Max works as a concierge . Locking eyes in a crowded lobby , they are immediately sucked back into a dark and deadly past of which neither has ever been able to getaway . After they get reacquainted , the couple must hide from the porter's ex-Nazi friends (Philippe Leroy , Gabriele Ferzetti , Bignanini , Marino Massé) who want the woman dead because they fear she will disclose their past . But Max continues to keep ties and friendships with his fellow Nazi comrades . As it turns out, Lucia is a bored housewife , married to an overworked orchestra conductor . Later on , Max decides to confront his former friends . The Most Controversial Picture of Our Time! . ! What shocked people about ¨Last Tango in Paris¨ was that I showed a couple stripped of all the usual cinematic conventions but Tango is a light-hearted romp compared to ¨The Night Porter¨!

This bizarre movie examines the lives of prior Nazi Max and his former captive Lucia with conspirators slowly closing in on them , focusing on their dangerously twisted love affair that was initiated during the Nazi regime , soon after the two resume their manic and doomed love affair as well as the memories of the heinous life of hers lived in captivity in the concentration camps of the war . It also brings forth a flood of confused emotions , brought about by the strange sexual relations she explored with her captor as the young woman was at the concentration camp . A sado-masochistic voyage , not for the faint-hearted and lots of kinky scenes , including lovemaking on broken glass . Starring duo : Sir Dick Bogarde and Charlotte Rampling are pretty good . They are finely accompanied by a motley group of nice secondaries , mostly Italians , such as : Philippe Leroy , Gabriele Ferzetti , Giuseppe Addobbati , Nino Bignamini , Marino Masé , Piero Vida and Isa Miranda . Being rated ¨R¨ for nudity , violence and profanity.

The motion picture was well directed by Liliana Cavani . Liliana Cavani belongs to a generation of Italian filmmakers from Emilia-Romagna that came into prominence in the 1970s , including Bernardo Bertolucci, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Marco Bellocchio. Liliana had intended to become an archaeologist, a profession she soon abandoned in order to pursue her passion for the moving image . Her films often have historical concerns , in addition to feature films and documentaries , she has also directed opera. Cavani became internationally known after the success of her 1974 feature film ¨Il portiere di notte¨ (The Night Porter) . She is a prestigious writer and director known for ¨The Guest¨ (1971) , ¨Dove siete? Io sono qui¨(1993) , ¨La Pelle¨ with Burt Lancaster , ¨Beyond Good and Evil¨ with Robert Powell , ¨Francesco¨ with Mickey Rourke and ¨Ripley's Game¨ (2002) with John Malkovich . Rating : 6/10 . The flick will appeal to Dick Bogarde and Charlotte Rampling fans.

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