Crabtree Interview Was Awesome
25 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For anyone who has done at least some research into Zodiac, this is worth a watch. If not for anything else, the Crabtree interview will not disappoint. Add in Shepard's interview and I don't know how anyone can say this was below average.

While I do not agree Horan is correct in his theory (there are obvious holes), his idea is not unique and was worth exploring. Fact is, a theory among reporters in the 3X murders was that one of their own was writing the letters. In the Hall Mills double killings, a reporter posed as the murderer in one instance. J. Edgar Hoover blamed the murder of the Matteson child on a reporter who called the family pretending to be the kidnapper, using the information gained for a story that was published. Reporters also fabricated evidence in both the Lillian hit and the Lindbergh case. In other instances, reporters even posed as cops to gain insight and information for their papers.

Again, the problem here is that Horan's theory does not work. But does this disagreement warrant a kneecap rating? No, it does not.
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