A bafflingly mediocre train wreck
26 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a huge Marvel fan, I can't believe how badly written and executed this show really is. They started with truly talented actors, solid source material, and Disney level production value...and then I guess the House of Mouse ran out of money so they had to leave the writing to unpaid interns who clearly had second jobs to get to.


The whole show revolves around shape shifting aliens who have slowly infiltrated the highest levels of the world's governments, but didn't bother to take the positions of the actual leaders who can order the nuclear strikes they so desperately want. Meanwhile, facing the literal possibility of humanity's annihilation, Nick Fury refuses to summon a single Avenger to help him stop this plot and instead chooses to run around armed with nothing more than a pistol and a can-do attitude. Two truly great characters from the MCU get killed off in incredibly boring ways to illustrate just how bad the antagonist really is (RIP Talos and Maria Hill, both taken far too soon and with no fanfare whatsoever). And if all that wasn't groan-inducing enough, the leader of the Skrulls manages to get his hands on some sort of technology that can replicate the powers of any of the Avengers or their enemies as long as samples of their DNA have been collected (because that not only exists, but shouldn't be explained at all and wouldn't have come in handy literally hundreds of times throughout Phases 1-4). But wait, there's more, because using said machine also allows the receiver of the superpowers to instantly wield every one of them at once without ever practicing. The situation is saved after Sam Jackson and Olivia Coleman (who is fantastic by the way, and honestly one of the only bright spots in this show) manage to take out all of POTUS's protective detail with knockout darts and expose the Skrull who's impersonating Col. Rhodes (even though the president knows Skrulls exist but never considered that the one main guy on his staff telling him he needs to start nuclear Armageddon might be one of them). The series ends with G'iah walking around with more powers than anyone else in the MCU, the president alerting the public to the threat of shape-shifters and essentially inciting public unrest and countless random assassinations across the globe, and Nick Fury and his Skrull wife walking off into the metaphorical sunset looking surprisingly pleased with themselves for a "job well done". Oh, and it's heavily implied that Fury and his wife have never even kissed in her original Skrull form, because no guy who has a shape-shifting wife would ever want her to switch it up every now and then (big eye-roll).

Disney should be ashamed of themselves for fumbling what could've been a really entertaining series.
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