Review of Hijack

Hijack (2023–2025)
Chat GPT could have written a better script!!
26 July 2023
The protagonist is a business 'negotiator' but doesn't even have the sense to use his one text message effectively? I am willing to accept that every protagonist doesn't have to be Bruce Willis type common man who fights the bad guys and saves the day, but this guy is 1.89 m tall, big guy, who was behaving like a cowardly, wimp! At one point, he had the gun pointed at him while the gunman was turning the other way around, and did nothing! If I was Idris Elba, I would sue the makers for ruining my image and making me look so bad! I was laughing at the ridiculousness of the scenes more often than being thrilled by any suspense. Four puny hijackers, who looked anything but, couldn't be overpowered by a plane full of passengers? Strangely the casting was really off for the most part. Scripting and direction left much to be desired. Just watched the sixth episode and by God, wonders never cease!
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