This is Not Ok
28 July 2023
I'm just going to come out and say it.

The main character is a GD podophile.

I couldn't keep watching it and a quick look on comments shows it's divided between the "it's about character development and you have to keep watching" and the other people expressing their concerns and being abused by fan boys.

Anime already has a sexualisation of women (especially young women) problem - now I don't mind the occasional female character who is promiscuous or the object of another character's attention. That's just normal. But its unbalanced in anime. The level that so often is encapsulated is not ok, even if they write decent characters too, more often then not it's mere fan service.

And this is before we add children to the mix!

Does it really have to be said?

Some things shouldn't be defended and I agree you can take on controversial topics if you're careful ... very very careful ... but this clearly isn't one of them. It's an excuse. Plan and simple. And it doesn't matter if the rest of the show is good. One thing can (and has) ruined it.

I can't comprehend why this has such praise. It makes me question the people supporting it. Do they not see? Or is there something sinister at play here. Just because it's animated doesn't make it ok.
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