Teri Hatcher is a genius
28 July 2023
Pretty fun episode that is 90% Lois Lane who is absolutely hysterically funny in all her scenes as the jealous journalist mad at her former friend who once stole her story and boyfriend. Honestly the best Lois Lane that ever will be by far. Way better than the Smallville Lois played by an actress who can't act to save her life or the dry and boring Lois in the Henry Cavill Superman movies. Clark meanwhile is more subdued here, but the mystery storyline focused on journalist work is pretty great. It could have used more runtime and a bigger budget. But frankly it's worth it for the comedy scenes alone and heavy focus on personalities.

We do notice the low budget and weird events. At many times it's extremely obvious Clark is Superman as Superman out of nowhere knows secret plans only Clark should know. And he appears the places Clark should have been at. It's quite childish and unfortunately instead of creating drama around this like in Smallville they just lazily ignore it which for a modern audience just doesn't cut it. We just need any explanation no matter what it is.
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