A truly visceral Aussie film experience not to be missed!
29 July 2023
You can easily settle into the first few minutes of this film feeling like it'll be an easy stroll through the Western suburban landscape of Sydney. And you would be so wrong, but in the best possible way!

Streets of Colour delivers a number of sucker punches straight to the gut. About who we were, and more importantly still are' as a nation. This film hits home hard a number of issues including racism, drug abuse, violence and broken families.

Don't be disheartened it's not all bad news!

At it's core Streets of Colour is a story of redemption and triumph over some of life's biggest and most painful adversities.

This stellar up and coming cast is helmed by the very capable Ronnie S Riskalla. Riskalla is most definitely (in my opinion) an "actor's Director". Only such a director would be able to articulate what is required from his cast. The gripping dramatic performances are proof of this.

The film is packed with absolute tour de force performances by the Lead and Supporting cast members alike. I'd say some of which are worthy of being right beside Oscars film contenders.

Streets of Colour will make you think about about racism, cultural diversity, spirituality and how we all fit together as a people. It may not answer all of them for you but it will prompt you to ponder them just the same.

This film deserves a large audience and it truly belongs right alongside other greats in the Aussie film cannon.

All's I can say is I'm now a season ticket holder for this Writer / Director. I cannot wait to see what Ronnie S Riskalla does next!
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